Expanding My Artistic Horizons & Painting Beyond What You See | Liron’s Podcast Episode 99

In this episode I’m sharing my thoughts on the trajectory I’m planning on taking with my paintings and drawings, in order to expand my artistic horizons and create more, and evolve my AUTHENTIC creation.

Authenticity is Key!

The key here really is authenticity.

I want to create in a way that’s authentic to my artistic vision.

Think about it – why do some people simplify their work? Why do others paint hyper-realistically?

Why do some people go for abstract?

Technique and approach are SECONDARY to your authentic vision. If the vision is abstract – perfect! If it’s realistic – also perfect!

My Artistic Goals

I want to go beyond techniques, methods and “approaches”, and improve my skill of CONNECTING WITH THE REFERENCE, and seeing it with fresh and clear eyes.

I know it’s a bit “woo-woo”, but hopefully this makes sense!

Let me know your thoughts in a comment below, and feel free to reach out on any platform (:

TikTok – @Liron.Yan

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

Realistic Painting & Auto-Pilot Impressionism | Liron’s Podcast Episode 96

Why do I want to experiment with realistic painting? How will it benefit my impressionism?

This is some of what I talk about in today’s podcast episode.

Realistic Painting for Better Impressionism

Lately I’ve been feeling like my impressionism has a couple of weaknesses. Mainly – I sometimes go into “auto-pilot” mode when painting.

And so, I decided to try and mix up some realistic painting into my routine. I believe this will help me further develop my accuracy and observation skills.

I hope this will allow me to better read the reference, and CHOOSE when to simplify and change, rather than “do what I already know”.

By the way – here’s my first attempt art cranking up the realism. A self-portrait based on a pic I took in the mirror, haha!

Tips for Realistic Painting

I also provide a few tips for tackling painting more realistically. Here is the gist of it:

  1. PATIENCE. I cannot stress that enough. That’s, funny enough, the most important component in realistic painting.
  2. Working in sections. In other words, focusing on small areas at any given time, and trying to get them to look as close to the reference as possible.
  3. Working from black and white photo reference! This makes things SO MUCH EASIER.

I hope you enjoyed this one! Here’s how to connect with me…

Reach out to me

Here’s how to contact me:

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

Can Anyone Become a Successful Artist | Liron’s Podcast Episode 95

Hi there! In this episode I’m discuss the question – can anyone become a successful artist?

My general answer is YES, with a few caveats.

Here’s what we’ll talk about:

  1. Definition
  2. Internal Challenges
  3. Talent and Skill
  4. Financial Success

1. Definition

A big thing to think about, is how do you define success?

I believe success is ultimately happiness. This means that if you have a job you love, and you make art on the side and are happy – you won!

So YES – anyone can become a successful artist if you look at it from this angle.

2. Internal Challenges

Many people I meet and talk to have INTERNAL obstacles only. They don’t believe in themselves, and this prevents them from creating.

Art is ultimately self-expression. I’d like more people to understand that if they WANT to create – they should. The rest doesn’t matter.

3. Talent and Skill

Even talent and skill are in question. You see plenty of artwork that doesn’t necessarily have a lot of skill behind it, that is still successful, and celebrated in museums and galleries.

The word “skill” is arguable in and of itself. Who says, for example, that an abstract painting that took only a few brush strokes to make does’t require skill?

And if so many people say – “I could have done it” – well – why didn’t you?

Food for thought, especially if you feel judgmental of these types of works (which I know can be fun sometimes, haha!).

4. Financial Success

This is a little trickier. I do think different people have different potentials for money-making.

BUT, could almost anyone create SOME financial success around their art? I believe so. You just have to figure out your true gift, and the format.

Are you a good teacher? Manager? Story-teller?

Perhaps you are SO OFF THE CHARTS when it comes to art, that you should focus ONLY on that, and hire people to do the rest (which for most people would mean have friends help out, as not a lot of people can actually really hire someone when just getting started).

In Conclusion…

Yes, that is my answer. If you are having doubts, or are unsure – use this podcast as permission to AT LEAST believe it’s POSSIBLE.

And let me know if you have any questions or there’s anything I can help you with.

Here’s how to contact me:

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

I’m Back from New York & November 2019 Plans! Liron’s Podcast Episode 93

Hi there! In this episode I want to give you a quick update on my New York experience (that’s been awesome by the way!). I’m also talking about my plans and focus for November 2019.

Here’s a VERY QUICK conclusion of what I talked about…

New York (and Ohio) Experience

  • Had a great time and visited most important spots.
  • Ate a lot of bagels and pizza!
  • Visited most of the museums (MET, MOMA, Guggenheim, Frick Collection, The New Museum, The Natural History Museum and some more…).
  • Visited different neighborhoods in Manhattan, as well as in Brooklyn and a bit of Queens.
  • Met a couple of friends we made in the past.
  • Took 2 walking tours in the south of Manhattan and Chinatown.
  • Saw the statue of liberty by taking the ferry to Staten Island (then immediately ran inside to catch the ferry back – we spent literally 43 seconds on the island!)
  • Went to see the Joker movie in a really cool, “vintage”, hipster theater.
  • Then visited my uncle and family in Ohio, which was a GREAT way to wind down after NY.
  • Then had a really horrible experience with American Airlines on the way back.

Overall this has been a great experience, and I definitely plan on coming back in the future.

Plans for November 2019

  • One of my main focuses – The Plein-Air Challenge – Starting every day with a plein-air session.
  • TikTok! Posting TONS of content there!
  • Starting to build a proper online gallery for selling my artwork
  • Sleep, health, workouts and nutrition
  • Brainstorming a new course
  • Experimenting with finalizing watercolor paintings without glass

Excited for this one. Not much left for 2019, and I want to make the most out of it!

Going Back to Work

Coming from a month-long vacation is an interesting experience. I’ve had it last year too (spent August in Ohio).

This time, however, it was more of a mix. On the one hand I felt happy to come back.

But on the other hand – it started getting dark earlier, which always makes me sad for the short transition period between seasons. I also felt like I’ll miss some of the freedom.

This is why I decided to not go back to work immediately, but rather spend a couple of days easing into it, and feeling again what it’s like to be on VACATION, but while AT HOME. It was actually a really smart move, and helped me get back on track better.

I’m now really into the routine, and despite working longer hours for the past couple of days – I feel connected with my goals and vision.

I’ll definitely keep you updated on how it goes.

Take care, and I’ll talk to you again soon.

Want to Reach Out?

Got any questions? Want help with your paintings? Feel free to reach out to me in any of the platforms I’m on, and I’ll be happy to help (:

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

Is Fear Stopping You from Creating? Liron’s Podcast Episode 91

In this episode we’re talking about fears that stop people from creating, and how to overcome them. I don’t have all the answers, but I wish to open this up for discussion and perhaps provide some of my own experience.

I  found that one of the main fears are not necessarily external, but rather internal.

For example – the fear of “disappointing” yourself with “another failure”. When you have a bad streak of paintings, and you prefer inaction and avoiding the disappointment.

In my experience, the solution – ironically enough – is to go the complete opposite. To create as much as you can. And to some extent – to disregard quality completely and work on quantity.

That’s something I’d like to encourage more people to try.

I hope you find this episode encouraging in some way. Let me know your thoughts in a comment below.

Here’s the original YouTube video, by the way:

Want to Reach Out?

Got any questions? Want help with your paintings? Feel free to reach out to me in any of the platforms I’m on, and I’ll be happy to help (:

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan