Is Fear Stopping You from Creating? Liron’s Podcast Episode 91

In this episode we’re talking about fears that stop people from creating, and how to overcome them. I don’t have all the answers, but I wish to open this up for discussion and perhaps provide some of my own experience.

I  found that one of the main fears are not necessarily external, but rather internal.

For example – the fear of “disappointing” yourself with “another failure”. When you have a bad streak of paintings, and you prefer inaction and avoiding the disappointment.

In my experience, the solution – ironically enough – is to go the complete opposite. To create as much as you can. And to some extent – to disregard quality completely and work on quantity.

That’s something I’d like to encourage more people to try.

I hope you find this episode encouraging in some way. Let me know your thoughts in a comment below.

Here’s the original YouTube video, by the way:

Want to Reach Out?

Got any questions? Want help with your paintings? Feel free to reach out to me in any of the platforms I’m on, and I’ll be happy to help (:

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

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