Words, Thoughts & Art | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 22

In today’s episode I’ll talk about the connection between words, thoughts and art, and how we can use that connection to improve our art.

My BEST Painting Ever

A while ago I painted my best painting ever.

What made the difference was the fact that I was narrating the whole process to someone, as I was working on the painting.

I had no idea what impact it’s going to have. Talking and explaining the process, as I was going through it, actually made me think harder.

It made me consider different approaches for achieving the result I was interested in.

It made me re-think the very result I was interested in!

And most importantly – it slowed me down. It allowed me to take my time, and only hurry when necessary.

Thinking, Speaking and Writing

I recently watched a video discussing the connection between writing and thinking. The person in the video said that the best way to improve your thinking capabilities was actually to write.

I have to agree, based on my own experience. I write a lot and I definitely noticed a difference in my analytical skills, my critical thinking skills and the quality and depth of my thoughts in general.

I already talked about my writing habit, and how beneficial it was so far to my creativity and self-development.

It’s All Connected

Improving your writing will improve your thoughts. This, in turn, will also improve your painting skills.

The next time you want to paint something, imagine you have to explain to someone everything you are doing.

That someone is you! (;

See if that makes a difference. I’m definitely going to try and do that more.

Artist Corner

In this episode I talked about Thomas Schaller.

Aside from producing BEAUTIFUL paintings, Thomas has such a calm and nice teaching style. He started as an architect, and this quality really shows in his artwork. I highly recommend you check it out.

To learn more about him, check out this video: Thomas Schaller Interview

I found that I could really relate to many of the things he’s describing in this video.

And here’s where you can find me (:

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