Why LinkedIn is so Important for Artists | Liron’s Podcast Episode 106

Today I’m talk about LinkedIn and its HUGE IMPORTANCE for artists who want to build long-term success.

Here’s a quick summary of everything I talk about…

1. Why Did I Start Using LinkedIn More?

As you know, I love to take my inspiration from a variety of source – both in art and in business. And one of the entrepreneurs I appreciate the most is GaryVee.

He talks a lot about the current importance of LinkedIn. It currently has great organic reach (reminds him of the early days of Facebook), and it’s a platform for BUSINESSES.

2. Why Is LinkedIn Important for Artists?

Businesses are more powerful than individuals in many senses. I believe it’s extremely important to build relationships with them as an artist.

Reaching out to art brands, as well as powerful people in your field and OFFERING THEM VALUE will help you in the future.

3. What I Currently Do + Results

I currently spend time reaching out to CEOS, owners and other employees of brands I appreciate and love their products.

So far I received some products to try out, as well as started corresponding with some owners and giving my insights about my local market.

I don’t know exactly what these connections will lead to in the future, but I love helping them in whatever way I can right now.

I do think it’s important to be authentic and actually reach out to brands you have some connection with (in my case, I LOVE the products of the companies I reached out to).

4. LinkedIn is Important to EVERYONE

I think everyone can benefit from making connections with successful businesses and people in their niche, NOT ONLY artists.

And I’ll take it one step further – I also recommend people who are EMPLOYEES to do the same (my friends who work in programming, for example).


I hope this makes you give LinkedIn a serious try, and actually network.

Even if you’re shy – it’s in writing! Which makes it easy. Take these steps to increase your odds of success as an artist in the future. You won’t regret trying.

Here’s where you can reach out to me:

TikTok – @Liron.Yan

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan