3 Tips for Loose Watercolor Painting (LET GO) | Liron’s Podcast Episode 89

Today we’ll talk about how to let go, enjoy watercolor, paint loosely and get the results you want!

This episode features audio from my YouTube video on that same topic. You can watch the full vid here:

3 Tips For Loose Watercolor – Summary

1. Small Paper & Large Brush.

This allows you to have more control. A smaller paper is more forgiving, as you don’t need to fill in huge areas and have perfect control over watercolor, and getting an even wash.

On the other hand, the large brush also forces you to give up some of your control, and learn how to PAINT rather than “color” inside the lines.

With that being said, make sure you use a brush with a good tip for those tighter spots.

2. Magic Wand Grip.

Hold the brush at the very back, far from the hairs. This again forces you to give up some control and loosen up, but it also provides you with more control when it comes to the range of motion.

I like to call this the “Magic Wand” grip. I do this whenever possible, and hold the brush closer to the hairs only when I’m working on very fine details.

3. Use Pure Paints.

Instead of mixing and possible over-mixing your paints – try using them purely. This saves you time, and the result is beautiful.

When I got started in watercolor I tended to REALLY over-mix my paint in the palette, so I would always get muted, grayed out paintings.

The cure for this – NOT MIXING at all – turned out to be something I really enjoy doing. And so I’ve been doing that ever since.

I hope you found these tips useful!

Reach Out to Me

Got any questions? Want help with your paintings? Feel free to reach out to me in any of the platforms I’m on, and I’ll be happy to help (:

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

Interviewing Patrick Ley-Greaves | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 39

Hi there, Liron here (:

Today I wanted to share with you my interview with Patrick Ley-Greaves. It was originally posted as a video on my YouTube channel (which you can check out here: Patrick Ley-Greaves video interview).

Now I wanted to also share it in audio form, as I know some of you prefer that.

Interviewing Patrick Ley-Greaves

The interview covered multiple topics related to painting, drawing, creativity and motivation.

I feel like Patrick and I share similar perspectives on many topics. What I love about him is that he truly believes anyone can create. His approach is very encouraging and uplifting, and seems to bring the best out of people.

Prior to these interviews, I do a preparatory video call. It usually takes about an hour or so.

Patrick and I ended up talking for about 3 hours.


I had a lot of fun talking to Patrick, and the whole experience was great. I hope you also enjoyed listening to the interview.

As a side note – we did the interview a while ago, but I’m only now posting it, after my month-long vacation.

I hope to be back on track soon, with the normal posting schedule for the podcast and YouTube channel.

Thank you for your continued support and for sticking around!

And Here’s where you can find me (:

You can support me on Patreon

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3

And this is it. I hope you enjoyed this episode, and I’ll talk to you again real soon!

– Liron