The Learning Curve is Actually a SPIRAL | Liron’s Podcast Episode 107

Art, creativity and the art business. In this episode I’m talking about the artistic skills learning curve, and how it functions as a SPIRAL. We learn and relearn things at varying levels of competence.

Feeling Like You’re Not Improving VS Actual Improvement

The gist of this episode is the idea of practicing consistently, but feeling sometimes like you’re not improving, or even going backwards.

I experience this occasionally, and often it’s a matter of your eyes and understanding improving.

You actually DO improve, which causes you to better recognize the faults in your own work. It also allows you to see more of the potential.

This makes it SEEM like your moving backwards, when in fact you ARE IMPROVING.

How to Recognize Improvement

My #1 tip for you to do that is to look at older artworks you’ve made!

Look at older paintings, drawings and sketches. Are you really moving backwards? Do you think the older work is better.

Often you’ll find they are of lesser quality. It’s just that your standards rose even more than your skills.

So the next time you feel that way, try revisiting old work and see for yourself.

And this is also why I HIGHLY RECOMMEND not throwing away anything. Everything you make – is worthy of keeping. Trust me.

And with that, we’ll wrap this one up. I hope you enjoyed it and perhaps gained a new perspective.

And here’s where to find me online!

TikTok – @Liron.Yan

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

— Liron

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