I remember the first time I hesitated to sell a painting.
It was “OCD”, and it happened in 2023.

It felt almost like giving away a huge part of who I am as an artist. And in a way, I felt like NO PRICE could justify selling it.
And whenever it feels like no price is justified… is when you probably have something special in your hands.
“OCD” felt at the time like the best painting I’ll ever create.
But here is what’s absolutely crazy.
A mere couple of days after selling it, I had a HUGE breakthrough, and produced a stream of paintings that felt as good as, and perhaps even better than “OCD”.
One of those was actually a follow up – “OCD II”.

I’m not exactly sure why, but it seems that the moment I started holding on to the painting, is also the moment I began holding on to my current level of understanding of watercolor and art.
And the moment I let it go, I allowed myself to get to the absolute next level.
Since that day, I have sold many, many paintings.
And whenever a particularly good painting finds a home… a painting I have a bit of a harder time letting go of…
That’s when I almost always end up painting a couple of new ones that completely surpass it.
So thank you to all the art collectors, investors and fans who have been purchasing my paintings. It is directly thanks to you that I am able to exponentially evolve and advance as an artist.