The Artist Curse – When others LOVE your art, but you DON’T | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 30

Today we’ll talk about the artist curse, what it is and how to possibly deal with it.

How I learned about the artist curse

I initially came across this phrase in a video by Mark at Draw Mix Paint channel. Mark is a fantastic oil painter I highly recommend you check out. ESPECIALLY if you do watercolor.

In any case, he described this concept in several of his videos.

The artist curse is when you don’t enjoy your art the same way others do. You don’t see it the same as others see it. You sometimes don’t understand why others like it.

Why I’ve been thinking about the artist curse

Lately I’ve been experiencing more and more of this.

I think I’m a bit of an oddball. I am able to enjoy some of my art, and see the beauty in it. But only to some extent, and only some of the time.

Because I was so lucky to build a following of amazing people on YouTube and Instagram, I receive lots of feedback.

Even ME, as someone who enjoys their art, is constantly blown away by the feedback.

This also happens when I paint outside. Passerby’s comments are many times positive, while I feel lie “I have no idea what I’m doing” haha.

Why the artist curse occurs

I believe there are several reasons for why we (for the most part) simply can’t enjoy our art in the same way others can.

Process – We slowly see our painting come together. During the process, it’s easy to lose track of the vision. It’s easy not to be able to see how this mess in front of us is supposed to turn into a beautiful piece of art.

Others come by and see it for the first time with fresh eyes. They quite literally see it better.

Lack of objectivity – Because we are the artist, the creator, it’s hard being objective about our work, and seeing it for what it is.

This also connects to…

Familiarity – Not being able to “smell ourselves”. It’s hard for us to recognize our own style, strengths and tendencies. We are simply too close to the picture.

Many have commented about how they loved my style, and how it’s really distinctive. But – to this day I don’t really see it. All I can do is create as best as I can. But on the other hand – it does appear to have its own style.

The funny irony

Mark pointed this out, and it made me laugh as I was able to relate.

Usually, the artists who have the most doubts and shyness around their skills, are the ones who make among the most beautiful kind of art.

I would assume this isn’t 100% true, but from what I personally experienced so far it’s darn close to that.

On the other hand, artists who seem to have this blind confidence, also tend to have some series weaknesses in their style, technique or skills.

Living with the curse

There are several solutions to alleviate the artist curse. I suspect that due to the nature of objectivity, it never completely goes away. But you can definitely ease the symptoms.

1. Use second hand impression. Share your are with others in a manner that allows them to be objective. Instagram is great for that.

This way you’ll slowly learn what others respond to. You still won’t be able to necessarily enjoy your art as much as others, but you’ll definitely learn more about how it’s accepted by others.

2. Find OBJECTIVE criteria. Judge your art based on objective criteria and signs. Here are some good examples from the visual art world – “Is my drawing accurate? Is this angle correct? Is this the right value? Does the color express what I wanted it to?”

There you have it! Well, that last one may be a little more subjective haha. But you get the point.

And if you come from a different artistic background – try and find your objective criteria!

3. If you are very shy and unconfident about your art – I would suggest learning to become better at ACCEPTING compliments and taking them at face value (gee, looks like someone DOES like your artwork!).

4. If you feel like you have nothing more to learn, and your work is fabulous, I’d suggest asking for some opinions by others and seeing if they match your beliefs. If they do – mad props!

5. Finally – have fun! Art isn’t perfect. We all express what we want, in the ways we can. Above all I want you to enjoy what you produce (:

And with that being said, time to move into the artist corner!

Artist Corner

Today I talked about John Constable, a renowned British oil painter who lived from 1776 to 1837.

He was a landscape painter who worked in the traditional oil style. Among his best works is “Wivenhoe Park”. This is also the first painting of his that I came across.

John wasn’t financially successful. He gained more popularity after he passed away. His work was embraced in France even more than in the UK.

He mostly painted scenes from the Dedham Vale, the area surrounding his home. It is now known as “Constable Country”.

You can read more about him on Wikipedia: John Constable
And also check out “Wievenhoe Park”

As a side-note, I also recommended Alvaro Castagnet – as an artist who does seem to enjoy his own art like others, with lot’s of confident. Check out his work here: Alvaro Castagnet.

And Here’s where you can find me (:

You can support me on Patreon

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3

And this is it. I hope you enjoyed this episode, and I’ll talk to you again real soon!

– Liron

Perseverance & Giving Yourself a Chance | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 28

Today I want to share with you my thoughts and perseverance, and why it’s one of THE MOST IMPORTANT things.

Perseverance & Giving Yourself a Chance

I usually plan out my podcast episodes, or I have something specific to say.

This time I was preparing to start recording, and suddenly perseverance popped into my mind.

I immediately thought of it in the context if – success takes TIME. If you are not willing to persevere and try again and again, you’ll never make it.

Perseverance is Important in Both BUSINESS and ART

The reason why I talk a lot about these topics is that, this is really what’s on my mind most of the time. This has been the case for the past 1-2 years, if not longer.

In my watercolor journey, I can really sense the importance of persevering. There were MANY times I got punched in the face by the medium.

I was on a roll (painting a few nice artworks), and then found out I suddenly have ZERO control over the paint.

I went through tough challenges.

Had I not continued regardless, I could never win. And I’m only just now starting to win.

Business is TOUGH

That’s another thing I’m coming to terms lately. Building wealth, financial and business success is hard. It takes a lot of effort, making mistakes along the way and continuing regardless.

This is something I had to learn the hard way. I’m not sure how to put it in words, so I’ll just say this: There is no finish line.

There’s never that point that you get to – that you can really say – I’m done and can rest now. Work always continues, and it’s all a part of one long process.

Hedging it!

I’d like to give one caveat.

I think it’s important to do things smartly. If you’ve been doing something for a LOOONG time and you don’t see results, maybe it’s a good idea to try something else.

Or, at the very least – realize you may not achieve everything you wanted in that area. But if you enjoy it – I’ll be your biggest supporter.

I think this requires looking inside and figuring out what you want, what the results are and what the best course of action is.

I Got Lucky!

The first book I published on Amazon started selling the next day.

That’s insane.

I don’t know what would’ve happened had that not been the case.

Would I have published three more books? Would I have continued? Or may I’d just quit and “go get a job”.

Who knows? For now, all I can do is be super-grateful for the success I WAS able to achieve so far.

And that’s a good note to move onto the Artist Corner (;

Artist Corner

Today I presented Stanislaw Zoladz. He is a Polish painter living in Sweden.

His style is realistic, with some expressionism thrown in on some of his work. I absolutely love it.

Here’s one of my favorite painting of his.
I also found this interview I recommend you check out – Stanislaw Zoladz Interview.

And Here’s where you can find me (:

You can support me on Patreon

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3

And this is it. I hope you enjoyed this episode, and PERSEVERE ON!

– Liron

Filming Art Videos Outside | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 23

Hi there!

In this episode I want to talk to you about filming art videos outside, and the challenges that accompany that.

I Love Painting and Sketching Outside

I really love creating outside. Seeing the scene in front of you, hearing the sounds, seeing the people. It’s just such a superior experience.

Plus, you get to translate the scene from a three-dimensional manifestation onto a two-dimensional paper.

This is an extremely important experience that you don’t get painting from photos.

Filming Art Videos Outside

So that brings me to art videos.

On the one hand, I really enjoy filming outside. It has a freshness to it.

Also, I have a funny feeling that this has something to do with my more advanced work. With things I want to do when I’m at the height of my career.

I want to show my work and everything I’m doing.

I don’t know if this is a bug I caught from figures like Gary Vee, or something that’s inherently mine.

But I do know it’s there.

But It’s a HUGE Challenge for me, at Times

Filming outside is challenging for me.

I think I can divide this challenge into two elements.

  1. Fear that filming will hurt my artistic results. This is a legitimate fear, but I believe that’s something you learn to deal with. When you are so used to recording everything you do, the camera becomes “invisible” to you.
  2. Fear of filming in public, in front of other people. One of the scariest (and funniest) moments are when I’m just about to talk, and there are many people around my. I know I’m going to surprise them =P

So this led to some challenges. On the one hand I KNEW I have to do this.

On the other, this is scary!

My Decision

I decided to film myself arting outside once a week.

And here’s the thing that will soften it. I don’t rely on that footage at all. I record my three weekly videos normally. And IF what I recorded outside is good, I’ll add it to the schedule.

This really reduces a lot of the pressure (:

You see, I have a tendency to strive for perfectionism at times. So in my head, “the painting process must be perfect”. But if I know that my sole purpose is to record, and whatever happens with it doesn’t matter – this takes off a lot of the pressure.

Artist Corner

In this episode I talked about Carol Evans.

Carol is a watercolor painter, and I think it’s best to let her art speak for itself.

She does crazy beautiful, semi-photo-realistic paintings. You can check out her artwork here:

She also has this webpage on her website, showing an actual painting process in stages:

Also, here’s an interview of her:

And this is most of what I talk about in this episode. I hope you enjoyed it!

Here’s where you can find me (:

You can support me on Patreon

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3


How to Become Super-Creative Using Frequency | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 19


Hi there! Liron here. In this episode I want to talk to you about how to become much MUCH more creative using frequency.

Creativity and Frequency

I slowly learn more and more how creativity and frequency of creation are intertwined.

And I’m not talking about the obvious “more frequent practice = getting better faster”. I’m talking about how practicing more frequently improves you in the SHORT TERM as well.

I noticed my brain is a magician. The more ideas I ask of it, the more ideas I get. The more frequently I publish videos, the more ideas my brain produces.

This is quite different from the mindset I had in the past. I was afraid to post things too frequently, so that I don’t “run out of ideas”.

That’s just the opposite of what really works!

How this can help you

Whatever you are doing on a regular basis – I would suggest playing around with its frequency.

Do you sketch once every few days? Try sketching EVERY day. See where it takes you.

This really is all about experimentation.

I find this to be true about ideas as well. The more I sit down to think about video, podcast or painting ideas – the more new ideas I get.


The more you give – the more you receive

I really think of this as a law of nature.

The more courage you have to share more and more, and work on your skills more and more – the more you are rewarded.

The more you give courageously, the more the world gives back to you (:

Artist Corner

In this episode we talked about Gregory Packard.

He is an amazing American impressionist artist. What immediately caught my attention with his works is how COLORFUL they are!

If you’ve been following me for a while you know how I’m attracted to colorful and realistic artworks.

You can see more of his work in his website.



And this is it for today’s episode. I hope you enjoyed it!

Here’s where to find me:

Here you can support me on Patreon

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3.

Don’t Worry About Inconsistent Artistic Results | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 15

Episode Summary

In this episode I want to share with you an epiphany I’ve had following a conversation with a friend of mine.

I bumped into her as I was painting, and we talked for a while. I shared how I recently feel like my results are inconsistent.

Here response really surprised me. She simply said that OF COURSE it’s going to be inconsistent. It’s art!

This really got me thinking.

I finally came to realize after a while – OF COURSE she’s right. Art and creativity are BY DEFINITION inconsistent.

That’s their magic! If they were consistent, they’d also be boring!

Artist Corner

In this episode we talked about the artist Lora Zombie. She’s an extremely talented Russian painter.

She often expresses different ideas and messages through here work. Her style has this unique POP to it (she refers to it as grunge art), and her favorite color seems to be blue.

She does exhibitions and galleries all around the world, and also makes and sells clothing items featuring her art.

Be sure to check out her work on her website (, or on Instagram HERE, or @LoraZombie.


And this is it for today’s episode. I hope you enjoyed it!

Here’s where to find me:

Support me on Patreon

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3.