Creating With Complete Immersion | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 17

In this episode we’ll talk about immersion, and being immersed while you are creating. We will see how this can actually help you make better art!

I got this idea while working out…

So a few weeks ago I was working out, and I noticed I wasn’t really into it.

I noticed my thoughts go somewhere else, and I’m not really focused on the exercise I was doing.

And then I suddenly though – why?

I mean, this is so stupid! I already scheduled the workout session, and I’m already working out.

So why am I so unfocused?

Painting and art making is the same

From there, it was an inevitable connection.

I immediately realized this was also (occasionally) happening to me with painting.

I would sometimes feel unfocused. Like i just want to get it done. Kind of like washing the dishes or brushing your teeth.

And the difference in results shows.

Working while in that headspace leads (at least for me) to mediocre art.

Why do we loose immersion?

I think this can happen for multiple reasons.

For me, this mainly happened as I was detached from the overarching goal. I wasn’t seeing how what I’m doing RIGHT NOW, helps me attain my goals.

This is lack of clarity, and from my experience it isn’t ideal.

So I worked on building up my clarity, writing and figuring out the exact connection between what I’m doing and the end result.

And lo and behold, it worked!

(how I built my clarity is a topic for a future podcast, but brainstorming, writing, asking the right questions and visualizing were a major part of it)

As soon as my clarity increased, I was able to understand why a single rep of a single set of a weight lifting exercise – produces strong ripples into my future.

I was also able to understand how with every brush stroke I improve a certain technique.

Artist Corner

In this episode we talked about Eudes Correia, a Portuguese watercolor artist and instructor.

His work consists of people and figures for the most part. He has an incredible sense of light, shadow and movement.

You can check out his website here: Eudes Correia

And his Instagram account @Eudes_Watercolor


And this is it for today’s episode. I hope you enjoyed it!

Here’s where to find me:

Support me on Patreon

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3.

Don’t Worry About Inconsistent Artistic Results | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 15

Episode Summary

In this episode I want to share with you an epiphany I’ve had following a conversation with a friend of mine.

I bumped into her as I was painting, and we talked for a while. I shared how I recently feel like my results are inconsistent.

Here response really surprised me. She simply said that OF COURSE it’s going to be inconsistent. It’s art!

This really got me thinking.

I finally came to realize after a while – OF COURSE she’s right. Art and creativity are BY DEFINITION inconsistent.

That’s their magic! If they were consistent, they’d also be boring!

Artist Corner

In this episode we talked about the artist Lora Zombie. She’s an extremely talented Russian painter.

She often expresses different ideas and messages through here work. Her style has this unique POP to it (she refers to it as grunge art), and her favorite color seems to be blue.

She does exhibitions and galleries all around the world, and also makes and sells clothing items featuring her art.

Be sure to check out her work on her website (, or on Instagram HERE, or @LoraZombie.


And this is it for today’s episode. I hope you enjoyed it!

Here’s where to find me:

Support me on Patreon

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3.

Getting Punched in The Face by Watercolor | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 14

Episode Summary

Recently I find myself being “punched in the face” by watercolor. What I mean by that is that just when I think I “got it”, I create a few terrible paintings with completely unexpected results.

I experience this most significantly with landscape painting, or with scenes that require a lot of “interpretational” work, and simplification.

The Solution

I find an interesting way of dealing with this issue – I sidestep it.

Instead of smacking my had against the wall, I simply focus for a while on different things. These things are mainly composition and portrait painting.

These are two different areas where I feel more comfortable, or that I have more to learn.

Sometimes you can’t force your way to success. You have to allow yourself to take some distance from the obstacle, and then, without even noticing, you’ll find you were able to get past it.

I hope this helps and encourages you!

Let me know what you think by leaving a comment below (:

Artist Corner

In this episode I mention talked about Eudes Correia. Eudes is a fantastic Portuguese watercolor artist.

I love how he merges realism and a great sense of light and shadow, with some impressionism and looseness. He work in a style I find very unique, and I recommend you check out his work.

You can see his work on his website:

Also, I discovered him via Instagram: @eudes_watercolor


I recently got started with Patreon. My goal is to use the income from there to finally rent a studio close to my apartment.

This will make me x10 times more productive, and I’ll be able to immediately go up to 5 videos per week on YouTube.

Support me on Patreon


Most of my online presence is on YouTube, so if you haven’t I highly recommend you check out my channel.

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram & Snapchat

Lastly, if you want to see some of my works in progress, as well as final pieces, Instagram’s where it’s at. This is also a great place to DM me with questions you may have.

I hope to see you there!

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Snapchat – @LironYan3