New Watercolor Breakthrough – Holistic Shapes | Liron’s Podcast Episode 111

Hi there! In this episode of the podcast I talk about a watercolor breakthrough I anticipated I’ll be going through soon.

Watercolor Rough Patch

I’ve had a challenging 2 months or so when it comes to painting. I didn’t feel like my work is connecting the way I’m used to, and the results were hit or miss. Got some great ones, but also some subpar ones.

This isn’t necessarily bad. It usually means you’re going through growth and raising your standards.

Sergey Temerev & Looking at Shapes

I gained an interesting insight while, by pure chance, stumbling upon a video of Sergey Temerev painting a spectacular cloudy skies scene (his speciality, it seems).

Here’s an example of a similar one by Sergey Temerev (you should really look into his work – it’s SO GOOD!!).

And here’s the specific process video I watched:

While watching it I felt like there’s something I want to try when it comes to the painting process. And that thing is looking at shapes a little differently, and dividing the subjects into shapes a little differently from what I’m used to.

The result was this small painting of the Bourges Cathedral in France.

I’m highly pleased with it.

I think it will be a bit hard to explain the exact mental shift I went through, so I do plan on addressing it in a future YouTube video.

But it does seem to be connected to wet-in-wet, and making the most out of every part of every wash.

I hope that makes sense, and that you enjoyed listening / reading.

And with that, I’ll wish you lots of good health in these challenging CoronaVirus times. Stay safe and healthy!

And I’ll talk to you again soon,

— Liron

Here’s where you can reach out to me (:

TikTok – @Liron.Yan

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

Realistic Painting & Auto-Pilot Impressionism | Liron’s Podcast Episode 96

Why do I want to experiment with realistic painting? How will it benefit my impressionism?

This is some of what I talk about in today’s podcast episode.

Realistic Painting for Better Impressionism

Lately I’ve been feeling like my impressionism has a couple of weaknesses. Mainly – I sometimes go into “auto-pilot” mode when painting.

And so, I decided to try and mix up some realistic painting into my routine. I believe this will help me further develop my accuracy and observation skills.

I hope this will allow me to better read the reference, and CHOOSE when to simplify and change, rather than “do what I already know”.

By the way – here’s my first attempt art cranking up the realism. A self-portrait based on a pic I took in the mirror, haha!

Tips for Realistic Painting

I also provide a few tips for tackling painting more realistically. Here is the gist of it:

  1. PATIENCE. I cannot stress that enough. That’s, funny enough, the most important component in realistic painting.
  2. Working in sections. In other words, focusing on small areas at any given time, and trying to get them to look as close to the reference as possible.
  3. Working from black and white photo reference! This makes things SO MUCH EASIER.

I hope you enjoyed this one! Here’s how to connect with me…

Reach out to me

Here’s how to contact me:

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky Art

LinkedIn – Liron Yanconsky

Pinterest – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Twitter – @LironYan

Struggling With Watercolor? I’m Working on a Solution | Liron’s Podcast Episode 81

Are you struggling with watercolor? Having a hard time getting them to do what you want.

Unfortunately I hear about so many people who quit watercolor painting after having negative experiences.

To address this, I’m working on a course that will help people loosen up, let go, enjoy the painting process and get the results they want!

Course for People Struggling With Watercolor

The course is work in progress. If you want to hear more about it, be sure to listen to the full podcast episode, but here are some things it will include:

  • Freedom generating exercises, techniques, tips and tricks
  • How to automate the painting process
  • Core skills and techniques
  • Full-proof process and methodology for knowing what to do in every stage of the painting process.

Next Steps for Me

I now need to start preparing the marketing material, test out the ideas and see what people react to best.

I’ll then build the course, and start marketing via Facebook Ads and organic (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, here on the podcast etc…).

I’m VERY excited about this one, as it will solve REAL PROBLEMS and FRUSTRATIONS so many aspiring artists have.

Will keep you updated!

Artist Corner – Sergey Kuznetsov

Today we featured Sergey Kuznetsov.

Sergey is a watercolor painting, but mainly he is the chief architect of Moscow!

I actually did a recent episode of Painting Masters featuring him, that you can watch here:

What amazes me the most about his work is his ability to, despite his technical architecture knowledge, let go of that and paint like a true impressionist.

I highly recommend you check out his website:

And Instagram page: @UraganKuznetsov

And here’s where you can find me…

Check out my YouTube Channel – Liron Yanconsky

Or ask me questions on Instagram – @LironYanIL or Snapchat – @LironYan3

I hope you enjoyed this one. Take care, and we’ll talk again really soon,

— Liron

Use Pure Colors in Your Watercolor Painting

Hi there!

Today I want to present to you a painting process I did a while ago.

It’s not my best painting. However, it’s an experiment I did with preserving the purity of colors and letting them mix on the palette.

You can watch the entire process below, and scroll down for the written version (:

Use Pure Colors in Your Watercolor Painting

So here’s the scene I wanted to paint.

And here’s the drawing stage.

Notice it’s quite the busy scene. There are many cars, people and buildings. This was very challenging to break down.

I think this is actually one part where I “failed” with the painting process. With that being said, I still did a decent job simplifying it.

The funny part is that, I think, the drawing itself is inaccurate, especially in regards to its perspective.

In any case – off we go with the first wash.

First Wash

This is exactly where I wanted to keep the purity the most. I found out it’s important to get it right in this particular step.

The reason stems from the transparency of watercolor. If you start of with over-mixed, muted colors, the next wash may still show them through. And so, glazing yellow over muted blue won’t do much good (;

Next, we have an additional wash.

Second Wash And Beyond

I’ll admit, this isn’t the best of my work. But I was able to improve the purity.

In this stage it’s important to still use vibrant colors. This is true especially for the areas you want to keep colorful.

After that, I continue adding more layers.

And this is the final result!

I went for a rather complex scene, and challenged myself to try something new. This is why I’m very pleased with the result.

Putting Pure Colors in The Correct Context

It’s important to remember that this is one particular approach out of many. It doesn’t mean you have to ALWAYS ALWAYS keep your colors pure, or avoid grays.

This is a tool to be used at the right moments. You can use it, perhaps, to direct the viewer’s eye in some way. You could use it to create a focal point or area.

And this is it for today. I hope you enjoyed this one! (:

Let me know what you think in a comment below, or under the video.

Also, if you enjoy my content – consider supporting me on Patreon. This REALLY helps (:

And I’ll talk to you soon.

– Liron