how to draw hands poses

How to Draw Hands Poses: Quick Reference

Hey friends!

Today I thought I’d share with you some quick reference for how to draw hands in different poses.

Hopefully you’ll find these helpful.

Here are some hands in different poses:

how to draw hands posesNotice how the fingers sort of FAN OUT. If we connect them, we get this curved line that moves across all joints.

Here are some more challenging poses of hands holding / interacting with different objects.

how to draw hands posesDrawing hands is one of the more challenging things out there (as if anatomy in general isn’t one of the GREATEST challenges out there =P ).

My biggest advice would be to:

1. Use real people as reference.

I always recommend drawing from real life.

This improves you in SO MANY different ways. Always strive to draw real people instead of just images.

2. Study the works of others.

People interpret reality in different ways. This is what sets each artist apart.

If you study drawings by the greatest artists there are, you’ll get a sense of what they give attention too, what they emphasize or even exaggerate, and what they ignore.

This is super-important for your development as an artist.

That’s it for today. I’ll share a more detailed guide to drawing hands in the future.

As always, Be sure to SUBSCRIBE HERE to get my eBook for free + great tips and advice on drawing, delivered straight to you! (=

3D-Cover-PNG-DS2And I’ll talk to you soon,

– Liron

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