What to do when You Have No Inspiration | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 3

Today I want to talk about muse, inspiration, writer’s block and fear of the blank page.

I provide several ways of dealing with those issues. I believe some of these will be new to you.

Show Notes

Artist corner: David Rock.

This is a photographer and video editor on the team of Gary Vaynerchuk (a businessman and entrepreneur).

David Rock, better known as D-Rock is producing beautiful videos for Gary Vee’s vlog. Here’s one of my favorites.

Book recommendation: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield. Seriously check it out, if you haven’t read it yet.

Find me on…

YouTube – Liron Yanconsky

Instagram – @LironYanIL

Snapchat – @LironYan3

5 thoughts on “What to do when You Have No Inspiration | Liron Yanconsky’s Podcast – Episode 3”

  1. Nothing seems to be a better catalyst to producing work then a deadline. When someone has a commitment that is time dependent they can’t continue to procrastinate beyond a certain point.

    I thought I would share some life lessons that I have experienced. The first is setting and committing to deadlines as an important motivational tool. Real or self-imposed deadlines, it doesn’t matter as long as you treat them as critical and honor them in all cases. The second lesson is the value of working within a budget. For this example we can view it as a financial budget, but a time budget is not really different. The constraint of a budget forces creativity. If you have something that you must accomplish and you can’t exceed your budget, you will quickly find that you will discover the most creative solution. Much like working without a deadline, working without a budget promotes lazy actions. So the result of these two lessons is that most creative and productive efforts can and should be addressed as a project. The goal and objectives are your deliverables, the deadline is your hard and fast delivery date, and your time and energy and resources is limited in a budget. You due date is fixed, your budget is fixed, so, you must adjust your deliverables as needed to finish the project. The result is that you learn to stretch and depend on your innate creativity.

    1. Thank you for sharing your insights!

      I wholeheartedly agree and strive to approach things this way (though I probably wouldn’t have been able to phrase it as clearly and concisely as you did 😉).

      Setting daily and monthly goals really helps to keep things in check.
      And made up deadlines are better than no deadlines (:

  2. Everyone is probably aware of fear of failure (who hasn’t experienced that!), but I bet many peole didn’t know you could fear success. As a matter of fact, I used to think it was unique to me! I never heard anyone address this before, but for me it’s about sustainability, I think. Like you said, it’s setting the bar higher, then not being able to repeat it! Or simply sticking with the safe and familiar, you don’t want to change for fear of losing momentum.
    Great podcast, you’ve certainly given us a lot to think about! Thank-you🙂

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